Saturday, April 2, 2011

My current journey

I have been on a journey for the past few months.  This journey has been to answer a big question, why do I go to church.  Since the church I went to ended, I want to decide where to go and why to go.  This will be the first time in my life that I get to decide where I go to church

I do love Jesus Christ and want to serve Him with my whole life. But, does this mean that I have to sit in church week after week and take the risks to be hurt by people.  I have invested in Christian Community before and most of the people there have caused great pain.  I know people will do that, maybe I would expect something different from people who claim to love and follow Jesus Christ. I am thankful for the very few close friendships that were born out of this, don't get me wrong.  I do the Lord's work and calling every day of my life, so why do I need to be in "community" to make this happen and for me to grow.

This is one of my musings....the journey continues.......

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