Wednesday, May 18, 2011

The Journey Continue

In an ever seeking quest on this new journey I'm on, I've decided to become somewhat vegetarian.  I saw a video my friend Tom posted on FB and it really bothered me.  This caused me to stop eating Pork, Chicken and Beef (before any of you comment, no I don't own any leather or suede - it's all faux)
This has also caused me to eat healthier, more veggies and fruits, more grains etc.  I feel better already and it's only been a few days.  I still eat fish but not as much and more pure than processed.  I have also been increasing my workouts.
One of my heroes is my brother Rick.  He proved that the curse of obesity in my family can be broken.  New life here I come.....

Monday, May 16, 2011

A Good Surprise

I have been lamenting on the trouble I've had finding a church home.  Yesterday, after a good workout at Life Works, I stopped in the new church that meets at the vocational school across the street from the gym.  It's called Renew Communities and since part of my blog is about being renewed, I thought this was a pretty good sign of where to visit.  I had heard the pastor Andy Sikora speak many times at another church and I really like the way he speaks.
This was a really good service with some amazing worship, and interactive teaching.  There was also good coffee and snacks (yummm).  I felt very at home at this place and relaxed, I am planning on giving it a chance for a while and even go to the picnic this coming Sunday.  For those of you who know me this is a big stretch but I am excited about it.  Good eating, good workout and good worship....hmmmm...stay tuned
  Peace, Ruth

Saturday, May 14, 2011

To have TOTAL health!

I started a fitness challenge with some my friends Kera and Amy.  We have committed to each doing 90 minutes of cardio a week.  We usually get past this and do 60-90 per day!  It's a way for us to stay motivated and accountable.

I have also been thinking about my eating and the options that are out there: vegetarian, paleo, atkins, southbeach, weight watchers, jenny craig, nutrisystems....... and one thing keeps coming back to my mind, what was different in my grandparents and parents day.  They ate more natural foods, I heard a quote I agree with, if I don't understand what's in it, I shouldn't eat it.

So this is my quest, to eat naturally, move more and increase strength and health.  To heck with the "perfect size" or shape, but it's about how I feel, and move!  I may never go under 200 lbs, but if I'm fit and healthy and at my best then that's what's important.  

Stay tuned.....